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The Dandy Lion


28 x 38 cm (11 x 15 inches)

Larger sizes available on request


Inks and mixed media with underprint on Fabriano Artistico 300gsm HP Watercolour paper.

Original handmade variant:

1 of 20 (SOLD)


14 handmade variants available to order

Lost on the moors, I was one day
When a magical sight I did behold
In glorious gold and earthen brown,
Lay basking, sun-kissed, a Dandy-Lion.

“Sit, child”, he said, and so I did.
Unafraid of his might, “Please, Sir?,” I bid.
Of his land he spoke, as the wind picked up.
Of long-gone things, and love, and loss.
Of lost and found and learned and lived.

His mane blew wild and drifted aloft.
“Be the keeper of memory,” he said, as he faded.

And that I am, till the day I’m gone.
And these are the tales, I’ll tell till dawn…