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Play Me: Encore


28 x 38 cm (11 x 15 inches).

Larger size available on request (38 x 56cm / 15 x 22 inches)



Inks, hand-printing, watercolour and mixed media on Fabriano 300gsm HP Watercolour paper.


Original handmade edition:

1 of 5




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Please let us know if you’d like a fine art print of this work. Museum-quality Giclée prints are either unsigned (print-on-demand) or limited-edition (signed). You will be contacted as soon as they are made available.

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NOTES: When I made the first Play Me, which has a woman in the submissive position, I very nearly made the dominant figure female too. To me these works are more about power exchange (Google it), than gender roles or gender itself. As I expected, a couple of people (very politely) suggested I make another version with Madame in charge. Who was I to say no?