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One Night in the Orchard

A Night in the Orchard
A Night in the Orchard

Night-time descends, Warm breezes blow.
Down in the orchard, a friendship grows.

They treasure their time,
Companions, bound.

Telling tales of adventure
Tinkling laughter all round.

We choose our family, as time goes on.
Small wrongs forgotten,
They’ll sing your song.

They’ll walk to your beat, and care for your heart,
And always be there, no matter how far apart.
To lend an ear, soothe a wounded soul.

To always make up, no matter the rift.
To love you for you,
Is friendship’s gift.

Original artwork, created on Fabriano 300gsm HP Watercolour paper, using inks, hand-printing, watercolour and mixed media.

15 unique, hand-printed and painted editions available