Archetapestry III: The Anima


38 x 54 cm (15 x 22 inches)


Inks and mixed media with underprint on Fabriano Artistico 640gsm HP Watercolour paper.

Original handmade variant:

1 edition only




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This work is available as a limited-edition print (15 editions), created on Hahnemuhle German Etching Paper at the size of your choice.

South African buyers: we will contact you to arrange your order and shipping.

International buyers: The work will be made available for you in Niki’s Etsy store .The print will be delivered with a numbered certificate of authenticity. You will be contacted as soon as it’s available. If you would like your print personally signed by the artist, we will contact you to make arrangements for shipping your order from South Africa.

In every corner of the earth, in every race, the cosmic phenomenon of the feminine is to be found, if you will only look for it.” — Carl Jung

The anima represents the inner feminine aspect within the psyche of men.  The SHE in HE.

Anima embodies qualities, emotions, and images associated with the feminine, often serving as a bridge to the unconscious and a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery.

I had to chat to a few friend-boys for this one, no identifying as male, myself. Fortunately, many of my friend boys are very in touch with this aspect of themselves, which makes knowing them a pleasure. I chose here, to place the lotus, a powerful symbol of the divine feminine, at the heart of the essence of man.

Engaging with the anima allows individuals to access deeper layers of their psyche and integrate the qualities and wisdom it embodies.



Inner Femininity: The anima is the embodiment of femininity within the male psyche. It represents qualities such as intuition, receptivity, emotion, and creativity.

In every corner of the earth, in every race, the cosmic phenomenon of the feminine is to be found, if you will only look for it.” — Carl Jung


The anima is not a one-dimensional figure but a complex and multifaceted entity. She can appear in many different forms and symbols, reflecting different aspects of the unconscious.

The anima… is not just a side issue of little importance; on the contrary, it is of the greatest importance. It represents the transcendent function par excellence, in contrast to the persona, which is a mere aggregate of ego-related complexes and certainly far less important.” — Carl Jung

Gateway to the Unconscious:

The anima acts as a bridge to the unconscious, revealing deeper layers of the psyche. Engaging with the anima can lead to profound self-discovery and integration of hidden aspects.

The anima is a personification of all feminine psychological tendencies in a man’s psyche, such as vague feelings and moods, prophetic hunches, receptivity to the irrational, capacity for personal love, feeling for nature, and – last but not least – his relation to the unconscious.” — Carl Jung



Some typical symbolism associated with the Anima Archetype:

  1. Women: Women encountered in dreams, fantasies, or real life can symbolize the anima. They may appear as mother figures, lovers, or even mysterious and enigmatic figures, each representing different facets of the anima.
  2. Goddesses: Various goddess figures from mythology and religion, such as Aphrodite, Isis, or Sophia, can serve as symbols of the anima archetype. They embody feminine qualities and archetypal themes.
  3. Nature: The natural world, including flowers, landscapes, animals, and the seasons, can symbolize the anima. Nature often reflects the cyclical and nurturing aspects of the feminine.
  4. Art and Creativity: Artistic expressions, such as paintings, music, and poetry, can symbolize the anima’s creative and intuitive qualities. Creating art can be a means of connecting with the anima.

Engaging with the anima allows individuals to access deeper layers of their psyche and integrate the qualities and wisdom it embodies. I feel her most strongly when I create.




Please let us know if you would like a limited edition print of this work to be made available for you in Niki’s Etsy store. You will be contacted as soon as it’s available.

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